Yuan Hong, Assistant Professor:保护搜索引擎中的大数据隐私
2016年12月22日上午9点,我院学科前沿讲座暨“公共管理论坛”第35期在教学大楼A1102顺利举行。此次特邀Yuan Hong(洪源), Assistant Professor,State University of New York at Albany(纽约州立大学奥尔巴尼分校),进行“保护搜索引擎中的大数据隐私”的讲座。我院陈玉梅副教授主持此次讲座,全院近百名师生听取了本次讲座。
图1 洪源助理教授
图2 讲座现场
Dr. Yuan Hong is a tenure-track Assistant Professor in the Department of Information & Digital Forensics(School of Business), and an affiliated faculty in the Department of Computer Science and the College of Emergency Preparedness, Homeland Security and Cybersecurity at State University of New York at Albany(任职于纽约州立大学奥尔巴尼分校的三个院系:商学院、计算机系以及应急准备、国土安全和信息安全学院).He received the Ph.D. degree in Information Technology form Rutgers University(美国罗格斯大学)in 2013, the Master degree in Computer Science form Concordia University, Canada(加拿大康考迪亚大学), and the Bachelor degree in Management Information Systems form Beijing Institute of Technology(北京理工大学). His research interests primarily lie in Cybersecurity(信息安全) and Big Data Analytics(大数据分析). He is particularly interested in resolving the security and privacy issues in the data-intensive applications in different contexts, such as web search(在线搜索), smart grid(智能电网), supply chain(供应链), healthcare informatics(医疗信息系统), digital forensics, and intelligent transportation systems(智能交通系统). He has published 30+ technical papers in refereed journals and conference proceedings, such as IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, Journal of Computer Security, International Journal of Energy Research, AAA Journal of Information Systems, CIKM, EDBT and ICDM. He regularly serves as the referee for multiple top journals in different disciplines, such as TDSC, TIFS, TKDE, TITS, TCC, TBD, ISR, JIS, EJOR. As the principle investigator, he is currently leading research projects funded by the National Science Foundation(NSF).