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2015 建筑学,博士学位


博士论文题目:  自然災害起因の産業事故における住民の対応行動に関する研究

           Household Protective Actions for Natech Accident

博士导师: 北後明彦教授,神户大学,都市安全研究中心

       Ana Maria CRUZ教授,京都大学防灾研究所 

2011 环境科学,硕士学位




2008 安全工程+软件工程,学士学位





2017年5月– 2018年8月

博士后研究员,合作导师:沈文伟(Timothy Boon-we SIM)

“Promoting risk-informed public policies for risk-resilient development” 项目组




博士后研究员,合作导师:Yongho Chang






                                助理研究员, 合作导师:北後明彦


2014年9月– 2016年2月

                                助理研究员,合作导师:Ana Maria Cruz



1. Junlei YU, Timothy Boon-wee SIM, Wenhua QI. Informal social support and disaster preparedness: Mediating roles of perceived collective efficacy and self-efficacy. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 2022 (68), January, 102734.

2. Junlei YU, Timothy Boon-wee SIM, Wenhua QI, Zhe ZHU. Communication with Local  Officials, Self-Efficacy, and Individual Disaster Preparedness: A Case Study  of Rural Northwestern China. Sustainability, 2020, 12(13), 5354;  

3. Janise ROGEDER, Guiwu SU, Wenhua QI, David Milledge, Alexander Densmore, Craig Davis, Philip England, John Young, Arrietta Chakos, Li Xiaoli, Timothy Sim, Emily So, Barry Parsons, Junlei YU, Lei SUN. Creating an Earthquake Scenario in China: A Case Study in Weinan City, Shaanxi Province International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 2020, Volume 42, 101305:1-14.

4. 肖建华, 游鸽, 于君磊. 灾难影片视角下的中外应急文化差异比较[J]. 华北地震科学, 2020, 38(4): 15-20, 27.

5. 李辉, 曹雨婷, 于君磊. 中国语境下的城市收缩: 内涵, 测度及分布特征[J]. 天津行政学院学报, 2020, 22(5): 25-32.

6. Junlei YU, Timothy Boon-wee SIM, Chunlan GUO, Ziqiang HAN, Jocelyn Lau, Guiwu SU. Household adaptation intentions to earthquake risks in rural China. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 2019, Volume 40, 101253: 1-9.

7. Timothy Boon-wee SIM, Junlei YU. The Evolution of Natural Disaster Risk Governance in China. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Natural Hazard Science, Oxford University Press, 2018 

8. Junlei YU, Ana Maria CRUZ, Akihiko HOKUGO. Households’ Risk Perception and Behavioural Responses to Natech accident. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 2017,Vol.8, Issue 1: 1-15.

9. Junlei YU, Ana Maria CRUZ, Eric PIATYSZEK, Michel LESBATS, Alicja TARDY, Akihiko HOKUGO, Hirokazu TATANO. A Survey of Impact on Industrial Parks Caused by the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 2017, Vol.50, Part B: 317-324.

10. Junlei YU, Akihiko HOKUGO. Understanding Household Mobilization Time during Natech Accident Evacuation. Journal of Disaster Research, 2015, Vol.10 No.5: 973-980.

11. Junlei YU, Akihiko HOKUGO. Household Evacuation Behaviourduring a Natech accident. Memoirs of the Graduate School of Engineering Kobe University, 2015, No.7: dor:10.5047/gseku.e.2015.002

12. Shanyu YAN, Junlei YU, Ke PAN. Variable Fuzzy Assessment Method and Its Application in Comprehensive Evaluation of Road Safety. Journal of Safety and Environment, 2010, 10 (6): 231-233.

13. Yu LI, Junlei YU. Preliminary Design on Key Technology of Emergency Rescue in Metro Fire. Proceeding of Chinese Perspective on Risk Analysis and Crisis Response, the 4th Annual Meeting of Risk Analysis Council of China Association for Disaster Prevention, 2010: 634-637.

14. Liyin JIAO, Junlei YU. Research on Calculating Method for Life Value of Coal Miners. Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Management Science and Safety Engineering, 2010: 641-644.


1. Natural Hazard Governance (NHG) in China. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, June 26-29, 2018

2. Household Re-entry Behaviour after Evacuating for Natech Accident. The 7th Conference of the International Society for Integrated Disaster Risk Management (IDRiM 2016). Isfahan, Iran, 1-3 October 2016

3. Household Evacuation Behaviour during a Natech Accident. The 10th Asia-Oceania Symposium on Fire Science and Technology. Tsukuba University, Japan, Sep.5-8, 2015.  

4. Understanding Household Evacuation Timing Behaviour in Response to Natech Accident. The 25th Ocean Engineering Symposium. Nihon University, Japan, Aug.6-7, 2015.

5. Reducing the risk of cascading events from large scale disasters at industrial facilities: Making communities more resilient to natural hazards. The 27th Annual Conference of Risk Research. The Society for Risk Analysis, Japan, Nov.28-30, 2014.

6. Household Risk Perception and Behavioural Responses to Natech Accident. The 5th Conference of the International Society for Integrated Disaster Risk Management (IDRiM 2014). Western University, Canada, Oct. 30- Nov. 1, 2014.

7. Household Evacuation Response and Logistics of Natech Accident in Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami. The 5th Conference of the International Society for Integrated Disaster Risk Management (IDRiM 2014). Western University, Canada, Oct.30- Nov.1, 2014.

8. Damage Analysis for Industrial Installations Triggered by Tsunami of the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami. The 4th Conference of the International Society for Integrated Disaster Risk Management (IDRiM 2013). Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, Sep. 4-6, 2013.  


1. Junlei YU, Ana Maria CRUZ. Understanding Natech Risk Perception and Adjustment of Households Living near Industrial Areas in Osaka Bay. Disaster Prevention Research Institute Annuals, No. 59 2016.  

2. Akihiko HOKUGO, Junlei YU. 危険物施設の火災と対応. 東日本大震災合同調査報.Response to Hazardous Facilities Damages and Fire. Report on the Great East Japan Earthquake Disaster, pp 155-159.


1. 2021年度教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金:基于多元参与的粤港澳大湾区Natech风险社区韧性提升策略研究,批准号:21YJAZH105,2022.1-2025.12,在研,主持

2. 2020年暨南大学中央高校基本科研业务费:粤港澳大湾区城市社区Natech风险参与式评估及协同治理研究,批准号:20JNZS20,2020.5-2022.5,在研,主持

3. 广州市哲学社会科学发展“十三五”规划2020年度共建课题:沿海城市多灾种耦合性灾害(Natech)韧性评价与提升策略研究:以广州市为例,批准号:2020GZGJ45,2020.4-2022.4,在研,主持

4. 广东省哲学社会科学规划2019年度一般项目: 多灾种耦合性风险(Natech)影响下公众避险行为研究,批准号:GD19CGL35,资助经费5.0万元, 2019.12-2022.12,在研,主持

5. 香港理工大学资助项目: An Integrative Research Proposal on Promoting Risk-Informed Public Policies for Risk-Resilient Development (2016-2018),结题,参加

6. 国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目:鄂尔多斯地区地震灾害风险的参与式评估与治理(2016-2018),结题,参加

7. 法国生态,可持续发展和能源部资助项目: Contribution to the Systemic Modelling of Technical and Organizational Resilience of a Territory to Natech Risk: from microscopic to macroscopic (2013-2016),结题,参加

8. 日本京都大学资助项目: Examining Risk Perception and Household Hazard Adjustments in Area Subject to Joint Natural and Technology Hazards: Towards Reduction of Community Vulnerability to Disasters (2015-2016),结题,参加

9. 欧洲联合研究中心资助项目: Benchmarking Exercise Proposal for Investigating/Analysing Accidents and Extracting Lessons Learned (2015-2017),结题,参加



简介1:突发性灾害对公众的生命财产安全造成了严重威胁,也给应急管理工作带来了严峻的挑战。近些年,全球范围内突发事件发生频繁,并且破坏力和造成的后果不断加大。从2008年的“5 · 12”汶川地震事件,到2015年的天津滨海新区“8 · 12”爆炸事件,再到2020年初爆发的新冠肺炎疫情,都无不严重威胁着人们的生活,对公众的心理和行为产生影响。那么如何减少公众的心理恐慌,避免非理性行为的发生,科学引导公众有效的应对突发事件,从而最大限度的降低突发事件带来的严重后果,成为学术界关注的重点问题。






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