2010.09-2014.04 香港城市大学公共政策学系,哲学博士
2008.09-2010.07 北京师范大学社会发展与公共政策学院,管理学硕士
2004.09-2008.07 中山大学社会学与社会工作系,法学学士
2014.09 - 至今:暨南大学公共管理/应急管理学院
Journal of community psychology、BMC family practice、Aging international、international social work, PLOS ONE等国际期刊同行评审人
1.国家社科规划办(一般项目), 21BSH159,智慧养老服务体系中的科技融入与实践效果研究, 2021-2024,主持,在研
3. 广州市哲学社会科学规划(青年项目),2016GZQN05,社区照顾对家庭养老照顾服务的影响:“替代”还是“补充”?, 2016/5-2017/12,主持,结项
4. 广州市哲学社会科学规划(智库课题), 2017GZZK41广州市落实共享发展理念与完善保障民生政策研究,主持,结项
6. 暨南大学科研培育与创新基金研究项目(青年项目),15JNQN013,社区养老服务使用机制及影响因素研究,2015/02-2016/12,主持,结项
7. 2015年度教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目,15YJC630061,基层官员政策执行力对社会救助政策效果的影响研究,2016/07-2018/07,结项,参加
1. Huang Dan and Lin Wenyi (通讯), Yingting Luo, Factors Associated with Chinese Migrant Children’s Social Engagement during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case Study in
2. Zhu H, Li Z and Lin Wenyi(通讯)(2023) The Heterogeneous Impact of Internet Use on Older People’s Mental Health: An Instrumental Variable Quantile Regression Analysis. Int J Public Health 68:1605664. doi: 10.3389/ijph.2023.1605664(SCCI, Q1)
3.Lin Wenyi andYuan Dinghuan. Factors associated with formal help-seeking for domestic violence in urban
4.林文亿,李舒婷,袁定欢.激励措施对生活垃圾分类意愿及行为影响——以广州市为例. 复旦公共行政评论,2023年第26辑(CSSCI).
5. Lin Wenyi, Yin W and Yuan D. Association of home and community-based services and cognitive function of Chinese older adults: social participation as a mediator. BMC Geriatr. 2023 Oct 24;23(1):691. doi: 10.1186/s12877-023-04414-y. PMID: 37875828; PMCID: PMC10599025. (SSCI, Q1).
1.Lin W, Yin W, Yuan D. Factors associated with the utilization of community-based
health services among older adults in
health behavior model. BMC Prim Care. 2022 May 2;23(1):99. doi:
10.1186/s12875-022-01697-9. PMID: 35501698; PMCID: PMC9063053. (SSCI).
2.Lin, W., & Yin, W. (2022). Impacts of service quality, brand image, and perceived
value on outpatient's loyalty to
as a mediator. Plos One, 17(6), e0269233-e0269233. doi:
10.1371/journal.pone.0269233 (SCIE).
3.Yuan, D., Yau, Y., Lin, W., & Cheng, J. (2022). An Analysis of Transaction Costs
Involved in the Urban Village Redevelopment Process in
4.Huang D, Lin W, Luo Y, Liu Y(2022). Impact of Social Work Services on the
Resilience of Migrant Children. Research on Social Work Practice. 32(3):345-355.
doi:10.1177/10497315211051624 (SSCI).
5.Dan Huang, Wenyi Lin, Yingting Luo & Yang Liu (2022) Social Capital, Resilience
and Social Integration of Chinese Migrant Children. Journal of Social Service
Research, 48:2, 214-225, DOI: 10.1080/01488376.2021.2005740 (SSCI).
6.Cheng J., Luo H., Lin W. (Corresponding author) and G. Hu, Pros and Cons of
Artificial Intelligence—Lessons From E-Government Services in the COVID-19
Pandemic, 2021 2nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and
Education (ICAIE), 2021, pp. 167-173, doi: 10.1109/ICAIE53562.2021.00042. (EI).
1.Lin Wenyi, YIN Wanxia, CHENG Jianxin (Corresponding author), ZHANG Lifeng, YU Siqin, and ZHAO Dongxu. Factors Associated with Risk Perception of COVID-19 among
2. LIN Wenyi, LI Shuang, CHENG Jianxin (Corresponding author), HUANG Wei. Factors Associated with Chinese Residents Engaging in Environmental Protection Activities: Based on the 2013 CGSS Data. Proceedings of the 2020-2021 China International Conference on Insurance and Risk Management (CICIRM 2020-2021), Harbin, China, July 14-17, 2021 (CPCI-SSH收录).
3.袁定欢,黄小琦,鲍海君,林文亿(通讯作者)(2021).深圳市城中村改造政策主题及演变过程分析——基于2009-2019年政策文本分析.城市规划, 45(02):92-98 [A3类, CSSCI]
4. Lin, W. and Yin, W. (2021), COVID-19 and social work practice for older adults in
5.Dinghuan Yuan, Yung Yau, Haijun Bao, Wenyi Lin(2020)A Framework for Understanding the Institutional Arrangements of Urban Village Redevelopment Projects in China, Land Use Policy,Volume 99,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.landusepol.2020.104998.(SSCI)
6.Lin Wenyi (2020) Involvement of Social Workers in the Community Service Provision System for the Older People in Urban
7.Lin, W., Yin, W., & Li, C. (2020). Social Service Contracting: International Experience and
8.Lin, Wenyi & Zhou, Wenchao(2020). Factors associated with the physical and mental health of drug users participating in community‐based drug rehabilitation programmes in
9.Lin, Wenyi(2021). Social Capital and Individual Charitable Behaviours in
10.Lin Wenyi. The relationship between formal and informal care among Chinese older adults: Based on the 2014 CLHLS dataset. BMC health service research,2019, 19, Article number: 323(SCI-E).
11.Qin Li & Wenyi Lin (2019) .Emerging community-based service models for older adults in urban China: A case study in Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province, China, Journal of Community Practice, 27:2, 188-203, DOI: 10.1080/10705422.2019.1620901.
12.Lin Wenyi, Deng Mengyuan. Turnover intention predictors among social workers in
13.Lin Wenyi, A study on the factors influencing the community participation of older adults in
14.Lin Wenyi, Community service provision for the elderly under the context of contracting out in Guangzhou of China, Ageing international, 2016, 41(4): 427-441.
15.Lin Wenyi,The development of community-based service for the elderly in urban China: A case study in Guangzhou city,International social work,2017, 60(6): 1606-1618. (SSCI)
16.Lin Wenyi, Community service contracting for older people in urban China: A case study in Guangdong Province, Australian Journal of Primary Health,2016,22(1):55-62. (SSCI)
17.Lin Wenyi, Challenges of long-term care provisions for the elderly in urban China, China: An international journal, 2014,12(2):144-160. (SSCI)
18.Lin Wenyi, The challenges of establishing basic pension insurance for migrant workers in urban China, China Journal of Social Work, Taylor & Francis Group, 2012,5(2):123-137.
19.Lin Wenyi, Sun Zhigang, Hu Yiya. The relationship between health insurance coverage and health care services utilization among the elderly in
20.Lin Wenyi, Li Qin. Community service provision for the elderly under the context of competitive contracting in
林文亿编著. 《社会企业与公益创业》, 暨南大学出版社, 2023年4月
1. 林文亿,尹婉霞, 荣紫云. 社区养老服务对我国农村老年人认知能力的影响研究:社会参与的中介效应,山东省社会学学会2023年学术年会, 优秀论文二等奖
2.黄丹, 林文亿(通讯作者),罗英挺. 疫情中流动儿童社会参与的影响因素, 广州市社会学人类学学会2022年学术年会,优秀论文三等奖