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2010.09-2014.04 香港城市大学公共政策学系,哲学博士

2008.09-2010.07 北京师范大学社会发展与公共政策学院,管理学硕士

2004.09-2008.07 中山大学社会学与社会工作系,法学学士


2014.09 - 至今:暨南大学公共管理/应急管理学院


Journal of community psychologyBMC family practiceAging internationalinternational social work, PLOS ONE等国际期刊同行评审人  


1.国家社科规划办(一般项目), 21BSH159,智慧养老服务体系中的科技融入与实践效果研究, 2021-2024,主持,在研


3. 广州市哲学社会科学规划(青年项目),2016GZQN05,社区照顾对家庭养老照顾服务的影响:“替代”还是“补充”?, 2016/5-2017/12,主持,结项

4. 广州市哲学社会科学规划(智库课题), 2017GZZK41广州市落实共享发展理念与完善保障民生政策研究,主持,结项


6. 暨南大学科研培育与创新基金研究项目(青年项目),15JNQN013,社区养老服务使用机制及影响因素研究,2015/02-2016/12,主持,结项

7. 2015年度教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目,15YJC630061,基层官员政策执行力对社会救助政策效果的影响研究,2016/07-2018/07,结项,参加




1. Huang Dan and Lin Wenyi (通讯), Yingting Luo, Factors Associated with Chinese Migrant Children’s Social Engagement during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case Study inGuangzhou City,China, Social Work, Volume 68, Issue 2, April 2023, Pages 141–149, (SCCI, Q1)

2. Zhu H, Li Z and Lin Wenyi(通讯)(2023) The Heterogeneous Impact of Internet Use on Older People’s Mental Health: An Instrumental Variable Quantile Regression Analysis. Int J Public Health 68:1605664. doi: 10.3389/ijph.2023.1605664(SCCI, Q1)

3.Lin Wenyi andYuan Dinghuan. Factors associated with formal help-seeking for domestic violence in urbanChina.  International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family Volume 37, Issue 1, 2023, ebad012, https://doi.org/10.1093/lawfam/ebad012, (SSCI , Q3).

4.林文亿,李舒婷,袁定欢.激励措施对生活垃圾分类意愿及行为影响——以广州市为例. 复旦公共行政评论,2023年第26辑(CSSCI).  

5. Lin Wenyi, Yin W and Yuan D. Association of home and community-based services and cognitive function of Chinese older adults: social participation as a mediator. BMC Geriatr. 2023 Oct 24;23(1):691. doi: 10.1186/s12877-023-04414-y. PMID: 37875828; PMCID: PMC10599025. (SSCI, Q1).



1.Lin W, Yin W, Yuan D. Factors associated with the utilization of community-based

health services among older adults inChina-an empirical study based onAnderson's

health behavior model. BMC Prim Care. 2022 May 2;23(1):99. doi:

10.1186/s12875-022-01697-9. PMID: 35501698; PMCID: PMC9063053. (SSCI).

2.Lin, W., & Yin, W. (2022). Impacts of service quality, brand image, and perceived

value on outpatient's loyalty toChina's private dental clinics with service satisfaction

as a mediator. Plos One, 17(6), e0269233-e0269233. doi:

10.1371/journal.pone.0269233 (SCIE).

3.Yuan, D., Yau, Y., Lin, W., & Cheng, J. (2022). An Analysis of Transaction Costs

Involved in the Urban Village Redevelopment Process inChina. Buildings, 12(5). doi:


4.Huang D, Lin W, Luo Y, Liu Y(2022). Impact of Social Work Services on the

Resilience of Migrant Children. Research on Social Work Practice. 32(3):345-355.

doi:10.1177/10497315211051624 (SSCI).

5.Dan Huang, Wenyi Lin, Yingting Luo & Yang Liu (2022) Social Capital, Resilience

and Social Integration of Chinese Migrant Children. Journal of Social Service

Research, 48:2, 214-225, DOI: 10.1080/01488376.2021.2005740 (SSCI).

6.Cheng J., Luo H., Lin W. (Corresponding author) and G. Hu, Pros and Cons of

Artificial Intelligence—Lessons From E-Government Services in the COVID-19

Pandemic, 2021 2nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and

Education (ICAIE), 2021, pp. 167-173, doi: 10.1109/ICAIE53562.2021.00042. (EI).



1.Lin Wenyi, YIN Wanxia, CHENG Jianxin (Corresponding author), ZHANG Lifeng, YU Siqin, and ZHAO Dongxu. Factors Associated with Risk Perception of COVID-19 amongGuangzhou Residents: a Psychological Typhoon Eye Perspective. Proceedings of the 2020-2021 China International Conference on Insurance and Risk Management (CICIRM 2020-2021), Harbin, China, July 14-17, 2021 (CPCI-SSH收录).

2. LIN Wenyi, LI Shuang, CHENG Jianxin (Corresponding author), HUANG Wei. Factors Associated with Chinese Residents Engaging in Environmental Protection Activities: Based on the 2013 CGSS Data. Proceedings of the 2020-2021 China International Conference on Insurance and Risk Management (CICIRM 2020-2021), Harbin, China, July 14-17, 2021 (CPCI-SSH收录).

3.袁定欢,黄小琦,鲍海君,林文亿(通讯作者)(2021).深圳市城中村改造政策主题及演变过程分析——基于2009-2019年政策文本分析.城市规划, 45(02):92-98 [A3类, CSSCI]

4. Lin, W. and Yin, W. (2021), COVID-19 and social work practice for older adults inChina. Asian Soc Work Pol Rev, 15: 84-86. https://doi.org/10.1111/aswp.12221

5.Dinghuan Yuan, Yung Yau, Haijun Bao, Wenyi Lin(2020)A Framework for Understanding the Institutional Arrangements of Urban Village Redevelopment Projects in China, Land Use Policy,Volume 99,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.landusepol.2020.104998.(SSCI)

6.Lin Wenyi (2020) Involvement of Social Workers in the Community Service Provision System for the Older People in UrbanChina, Australian Social Work, DOI: 10.1080/0312407X.2020.1782447. (SSCI)

7.Lin, W., Yin, W., & Li, C. (2020). Social Service Contracting: International Experience andChina Practice, TheChina Nonprofit Review, 12(1), 87-106. doi: 

8.Lin, Wenyi & Zhou, Wenchao(2020). Factors associated with the physical and mental health of drug users participating in community‐based drug rehabilitation programmes inChina. Health & Social Care in the Community. 28(2):584-590. (SSCI)

9.Lin, Wenyi(2021). Social Capital and Individual Charitable Behaviours inChina. Applied Research in Quality Life,16(1):141-152(SSCI).

10.Lin Wenyi. The relationship between formal and informal care among Chinese older adults: Based on the 2014 CLHLS dataset. BMC health service research,2019, 19, Article number: 323(SCI-E).

11.Qin Li & Wenyi Lin (2019) .Emerging community-based service models for older adults in urban China: A case study in Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province, China, Journal of Community Practice, 27:2, 188-203, DOI: 10.1080/10705422.2019.1620901.

12.Lin Wenyi, Deng Mengyuan. Turnover intention predictors among social workers inChina. Asian Soc Work Pol Rev.,2019; 13: 117– 123.

13.Lin Wenyi, A study on the factors influencing the community participation of older adults inChina: Based on the CHARLS2011 dataset, Health & Social Care in the Community,2017,25(3): 1160–1168. (SSCI)

14.Lin Wenyi, Community service provision for the elderly under the context of contracting out in Guangzhou of China, Ageing international, 2016, 41(4): 427-441.

15.Lin Wenyi,The development of community-based service for the elderly in urban China: A case study in Guangzhou city,International social work,2017, 60(6): 1606-1618. (SSCI)

16.Lin Wenyi, Community service contracting for older people in urban China: A case study in Guangdong Province, Australian Journal of Primary Health,2016,22(1):55-62. (SSCI)

17.Lin Wenyi, Challenges of long-term care provisions for the elderly in urban China, China: An international journal, 2014,12(2):144-160. (SSCI)

18.Lin Wenyi, The challenges of establishing basic pension insurance for migrant workers in urban China, China Journal of Social Work, Taylor & Francis Group, 2012,5(2):123-137.

19.Lin Wenyi, Sun Zhigang, Hu Yiya. The relationship between health insurance coverage and health care services utilization among the elderly inChina: Based on the CHARLS dataset. Proceedings of the 2017 China International Conference on Insurance and Risk Management (CICIRM 2017), Guilin, China, 2017.07:518-525(CPCI-SSH收录).

20.Lin Wenyi, Li Qin. Community service provision for the elderly under the context of competitive contracting inGuangzhou,  China Journal of Social Work, 2017,10(2-3):152-165.

林文亿编著. 《社会企业与公益创业》, 暨南大学出版社, 20234


1. 林文亿,尹婉霞, 荣紫云. 社区养老服务对我国农村老年人认知能力的影响研究:社会参与的中介效应,山东省社会学学会2023年学术年会, 优秀论文二等奖

2.黄丹, 林文亿(通讯作者),罗英挺. 疫情中流动儿童社会参与的影响因素, 广州市社会学人类学学会2022年学术年会,优秀论文三等奖





